About Us
About Us
Our Philosophy
The Reading Tree is into early childhood education and a home to children from Playgroup to Senior K.G.
It is child-centric where emphasis in on overall developmental needs of the child. It concentrates on ‘Learning by Doing’. It inculcates different methodology based on the experiences and learnings with the children. It is inspired by great education philosophers Rudolf Steiner, Mahatma Gandhi, Rabrindranath Tagore. This blend helps us to design a curriculum which is infused by a unique understanding of a child’s developmental needs. A critical cornerstone of our educational approach is the development of each child as a whole person. Our children learn with more than their heads; they learn with their heads, hearts, and hands.
It is an alternative approach from that of a more mainstream preschool. The children are welcomed by teachers with a hug and nurtured in a home-like set up. They follow a predictable routine with days set for painting, art and crafts, sensory play, cooking etc. The curriculum is an integration of arts and academics for children from Playgroup through Senior K.G. The child’s imagination is brought alive through stories, role plays, nature walks and involving them in day to day activities.
The class rooms are designed to recreate home like atmosphere where children feel comfortable, safe and inspired to learn. These spaces create an environment that is not only homely and protective, but also very personal to the child where they carry out day to day activities like cooking, baking, art and crafts, reading, story-telling as a part of their academics. It seeks to provide an unhurried and creative learning environment for children. ‘The Reading Tree’ school program helps children understand the world by providing predictability through rhythm which is a gentle repetition of everyday activities.
We are strongly grounded in faith that it is equally important for children to get involved and learn outside the classroom. Children have outdoor play, nature walks, gardening, star gazing and activities that reinforce the child’s connection with nature. Learning in ‘The Reading Tree’ is an imaginative, enlivening, and creative process. The integration of art, crafts, handwork, rhymes, drama and storytelling in every subject evokes interest within the child which he will take away as life’s lessons when he grows up to become an adult.
‘The Reading Tree’ has been successfully accredited with the British Council International School Award 2012 – 2015. The British Council International School Award supports the school in embedding international learning into the curriculum. Working towards it gives children and teachers a new perspective on the world, and the skills to work in a global economy.

Our Teachers
Our teachers at ‘The Reading Tree’ are the heart of our school. They give so much of themselves in everything they do. They welcome the children with a warm hug and take them through the day with love and enthusiasm. Passion and love for learning keeps them motivated and high on energy. They constantly keep learning new things by attending workshops, seminars and conferences. They beautifully interweave attitudes and values within our curriculum and teaching environment that supports confidence and love for learning.
Message from the Head
I believe that the most important thing I can instil within your children is the idea that learning is exciting, enjoyable and something they can possess and cherish throughout an entire lifetime
– Strube
Sapna Chouhan
From my early childhood I had a deep passion and fire burning from within – how can I give back to society? What good can I do? And my passion led me into being an educational psychologist.
Education starts before birth and continues throughout life. It is not enough to merely give birth or bear a child and then to bring him up ignorantly, machine-like or by default. It is a conscious creation.
We grow as parents – as our child grows.